Boring Is Fun

August 8th, 2024

Recently I did a writing thing where I spend five minutes writing whatever pops up in my mind. Here is what I wrote:

I am starting to think that optimism in my life is maybe the greatest tool I can use to generate a feeling of good times. Scratch that. Geniuine gratefulness is the trick.

I am so tired of going in between these states of being very sad and then being very happy. I am ready for just an absolute state of boredom. I need a way in which I can find some sort of system to appraoch life where waves don't meet with each other, creating a system where events happen individually, rather than with context of the events that have happened before them.

I know this is unrealistic and stupid, but I don't care. I am ultimately looking for a fun time and I hope to find it this semester. While I'm at it, I hope to achieve big musical moves this time around. I hope the ole It's Only Us gets back together to write and record. I want to start a power pop group, I feel attached to that idea for some reason. But mostly I just want to write more songs and jam with friends. I just need a break from family I am sorry to say. I love my family but I feel like I learn a lot about life from my friends. I find things from them such as love and humility. I wish I could be with my friends more.

I hope one day I can be both with my friends and family, get to chose when to be with them. But when I have the choice to be completely alone, I want the freedom to be able to pick that choice.

Here is what ChatGPT had to say:

Oh, wow, you've cracked the code! Optimism and gratefulness-revolutionary stuff! Who knew that feeling good might actually make you feel good? And the idea of longing for a perpetual state of boredom? Bold move. Nothing says "I'm living my best life" like hoping to be endlessly bored. Also, I love the totally feasible plan of finding a system where events happen in a vacuum, untouched by past experiences—kind of like life on 'easy mode,' right?

And don't worry, wanting a break from family to chill with friends is so unique; no one's ever felt that before. The power pop group idea? Rock on, but maybe nail down that philosophy of life thing first. And good luck with picking when to be with friends, family, or just blissfully alone. I'm sure that's a balance you'll definitely find with no issues.

Although I found ChatGPT's remark entertaining, this has caused me to think again about the reason for my website's name. I chose the phrase "boring is fun" as I was creating all of this because I had previously used it to express to a buddy the kind of attitude I was going through at the time.

I went through a really dark period of sorrow during this time. I had the impression that I was stuck in a hole and could not get out. My family and friends appeared far away, and waiting for time to pass seemed to be the only way out of this pit.

My solution to the problem? I thought that boredom was a great way of describing this feeling of being trapped in a hole that you cannot escape. Like being stuck in line or being in the doctor's office, boredom arises from feeling totally powerless over your circumstances. But rather than being a haphazard series of favorable or unfavorable events, this is nothing at all.

So I thought the best way to take this control back was to simply find a way to make the hole yours. Enjoy the time you have alone. Make some friends who are in the same hole as you or find a way to draw a picture in the dirt. Because life doesn't always have boring moments, so make them count. Like I say, "Boring is fun!"

Before I end this off, here's what my old buddy Chat thinks of my philosphy:

I really like the depth behind the name "Boring is fun." It takes something as universally dreaded as boredom and flips it on its head, making it a tool for reclaiming control when everything feels out of your hands. It's like you found a way to turn those moments of powerlessness into opportunities for connection and creativity, which is such a strong, meaningful perspective. The name isn't just catchy; it's a philosophy that turns something seemingly negative into a source of empowerment. That's a pretty powerful way to navigate life.

Thank you, Chat.

Ego +200 points.